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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Thirteen days and counting down to race day. I imagine myself crossing the line- sweaty, tired, exhilarated, amazed, happy, deeper in love with my maker. But honestly, when I do my training runs I feel like this is too far out of my league. I have yet to jog a whole outing- continuously jogging, walking, jogging, walking... repeat. But then I remind myself that I KNOW I can walk 13 miles & I KNOW I can do this thing. Somewhere between the positive thoughts I have temporary misfires that spell DOUBT. I find myself feeling like a failure before I've even begun. (silly, I KNOW!) I wonder why this is so intimidating to me? Hmm..

As I type I am reminded of something the Lord said to me on my very FIRST "jog". It was November 2008 and I was walking my exercise buddy (Chico the Yorkie). It was so cold that I was literally chilled to the bone even though I had plenty of warm clothing. I asked as I shivered, "God, how do people stay warm out here?" and I began a frozen little jog toward home. I spied a lamp post about a block away and aimed myself towards it and said, "Oh, If I could just make it to that light.." He replied, "You supply the effort, I'll supply the strength." his voice, clear as a bell. Wow. All I have to do is make the EFFORT? I don't have to be superwoman? I am willing to make the effort! All I have to do is try. I will finish this race, we will change the destiny of thousands of children, God will supply all our needs!

I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.

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